you took things in your hands and left me out

Being told I've changed or I'm different are words that kill me in more ways then one... I know people change and I know as far as I'm concerned I'm not going to be the same person forever.
In the last few months I've gone from a girl who had some issues and hid them very well to he darkest most honest cynical motherfucker ever. All the thoughts I kept on lockdown and didnt share the thoughts I kept to myself in fear of bein judged are being purged across my blog and flow from my mouth before I have a chance to stop them.

It finally becomes apparent to people around me how nonexistent I am and my reality becomes seen. I want to scream honestly it's nothing new it's just before i took my heart and soul and let them free let them try to coincide with another never expecting to get them back in the end they were returned now in very many peices like an icycle shattered then melted never ti be the same again now I'm not sure exactly where they are.
I dont want to stay like this forever but rifht now pain is all i know. I was tossed shrink to shrink for years never given an answer as to why i feel this broken why everything triggers an emotion all to intense to handle never had anyone to explain the cycle why i dont quite dit im just bearing my every thought and all I want to say is welcome to the darkness folks I hope you enjoy the show.


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