
All I wonder about is everyones intentions its a true statement when they say no one knows how to care for anyone but themselves, I feel like its a hidden but true statement. Lately I just feel forever alone and terrified, thats my own fault but also from watching everyone else around me I wonder so many things. My cousin said Im a Trezza, I like being coddled nurtured, as much as i didnt like that statement Its being proved true. I like being there, I do, I like making it better but when you cant understand me and I wonder if anyone can truly be there to hold and be there for me or someone else rather without losing themselves and having something to be upset or lost or complain about later I question love, and relationships. I dont want to be another story in someones book. I simple really dont want to be.

Why cant you take care of you and lean on me a reasonable amount understand what im saying follow trough keep a positive attitude not cheat on me love me for me and NOT try to change me play with me want to be sexy with me concentrate on me as well as yourself for the rest of our lives till death shall we part.

why do we fuck up the good when its actually there..why should I trust you? cause i certainly dont trust myself i dont trust life anymore. I want everything to be like my favorite tv shows..instead either people dnt know how to work on themselves and are all in their heads orrrr dont know how to do anything other than work on themselves...and everything always sucks. You want me to feel

because im numb
and i dont even understand the concept of someone else lighting up my world dreams were shattered. I wish I could say im dramatizing this but its actually how it feels.

Actions speak louder than words..


A Beautiful Lie March 22, 2011 at 6:41 AM  

Yes they do...Actions speak louder than words. couldnt agree more. Now if only people actually did that.

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