Kick ass blog entry on behalf of JD?yeshh I think so

Ello Ello

so stats stats stats..111lbs which is good cause i was up to 115 2 days ago...

Materialism is disgusting, it eats away at the world because everything is made of money. Im not the type to want brand name things or really care, but I do know I have a car a shitty shitty car because when I wasnt living at home my parents sold my Jeep, then proceeded to keep the 2 grand I put into it when it was bought cause I "owed" them for car insurance and for my two failed classes. Since when? I didnt know this.
My grandmother has 2grand left in the bank..her funeral fund, she saved ehr whole life only now to pay rent to my mom and dad, my mom is making her mother pay rent when my grandma helped her buy this house...its grandma wants to take that money and invest it in a better car for me...My parents they apparently have better things to do with their money theyre spending $6,500 to get new carpet and floors done..thats not including the fact that theyre redoing their room which is prob another added couple hundred to a grand.
Things being handed to me is not something I like or want, I bust my ass going to school mon-thurs 330 to 9ish on average and then work 20-30 hours fri sat sun...even then im still drowning with my phone bill car insurance and gas expenses, plus car maintenance, I catch up only to then be pulled back down.
My grandma wants to use her funeral money but, my parents cant be bothered..funny it tis. I would pay them back for the rest of my life if they helped me with a car bust my ass I swear and I dont wont complain either because in my eyes im earning it its mine I did it...

New life lesson
Dont lean on people, youll fall over they arent steady you need your feet and yours only

Sleep for once


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