Wednesday, January 5, 2011Still still I try, try to think
Kind thoughts of you
and then I stop and wonder why
actions speak louder than words
ad the actions were lacking
nonexistant just like intimacy
the fear clung to my body the way you did not
I stepped into the equation with
fear as my being
pleaded just spare me if hurts
what youre seeing
but did you
So tell me now how didnt I know
know the pain that was coming
that numb that would hit me like fucken novacaine
so numb im biting my own lip
I cant feel it
but i want to
when that shit wears off
thats when it happens
when you realize the
pains unbearable..
Your games confuse me
even ore then I confuse myself
everyone makes mistakes
but you, your eyes sparkle @ the
thought of attention
that is not one mistake
the sad thing is I know
I know I deserve more looking
in the mirror hatred staring back
but still i realize it..
I have her
I have her right in front of me
but yet im fighting myself
still trying to give you the
benefit of the doubt..
but why?
when I myself never never got that much
not from myself not from you
worthless selfish empty pathetic
the feelings rise in my chest
and bleed accross my bones
not in love with you in love with the past
with what ws
with what will never be again
choking on the pain i cant even feel
this is how this is your damage
this is what youre capable of
but youll never know
youre too busy shattering hearts you know are as
thin as eggshells
you choose your
but youll never
the pain
the numb..
its winter all the time
I like the first one way better
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